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4 ways to reduce carbon emissions from work and at home

22 Nov,2021

Scientist are finding that melting permafrost in the Arctic lakes is emitting five times more methane than previously thought. This release of methane exacerbates the problem of global warming. Already, the effects of global warming are currently melting the Arctic twice as fast as previously thought, which can lead to habitat destruction, unpredictable weather patterns and rising sea levels. Methane, which is a much more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, speeds up the climate crisis and compounds the problem.

However, as scientists work hard to curb the effects of global warming, there are a few things that companies and individuals can do to help slow down its effects.

Follow these tips to reduce your carbon emissions at work and home.

1. Swap out old technology for energy efficient alternatives

As technology has advanced over the last few decades, so has the proliferation of energy efficient products.

From refrigerators to lightbulbs, there has been a recent shift to climate tech — technology used to mitigate the effects of greenhouse gases. Fueled by many companies' pledges for net-zero carbon emissions before 2050, products with a focus on reducing energy consumption have become more commonplace as consumer demand has skyrocketed in recent years.

One of the best benchmarks that you can use to check the energy efficiency of an item is its Energy Rating. The Energy Rating label system calculates the energy efficiency of a particular item and compares it to other models of the same size. Each label is easily read by the number of stars that it features. The more energy stars a product has, the better it is at saving energy compared to similar products on the market. Additionally, this label will tell you how many kilowatt hours (kWh) it uses.

For example, this means that if you are using a table lamp with a 1-star rating and a high kWh, it’s probably best to switch it out for another one.

2. Consider making the switch from desktop to laptop

In terms of what they can accomplish, laptops and desktops perform nearly the same function. Each type of computer can send emails, join video chats and look up information. But did you know that laptops are often more energy efficient than desktops?

Woman using laptop

One of the main reasons why is because desktops and their accompanying monitors always have to be plugged in order to work. This continual flow of electricity to your device doesn’t stop until you shut your desktop off. Laptops, on the other hand, are able to draw their power from charged batteries and don’t have to be plugged in for an extended period of time. Consider making the switch if you find that you can complete the same functions without the use of a desktop.

If switching out desktops in your workplace or at home is not an option, remember to turn on sleep mode. Taking this small action is better than continually leaving your computer running in the background.

3. Purchase carbon offsets for your company

Although there are many ways to help you reduce carbon emissions in the workplace, sometimes it may not be enough.

In those instances, your company can consider buying carbon offsets. Carbon offsets are monetary funds that go to environmentally friendly programs, balancing out the carbon emissions that your company produces. This money might go to a reforestation project or the building of a renewable energy source, for instance.

For example, let’s say that your company produces 100 tonnes of carbon even after replacing outdated devices, reducing waste in the office and switching to an alternative energy source. Your company can choose to buy a carbon offset, which ends up funding reforestation efforts in Brazil. The trees that are planted by this project remove 100 tonnes of carbon from the atmosphere. When you add up your company’s carbon emissions and subtract the carbon reduced from these activities, your company can quickly reach its net zero emission goals.

4. Boost your corporate social responsibility with Epson’s printers with Heat-Free Technology

When you embrace corporate social responsibility (CSR), your company can not only attract invested employees, but you create an environment that fosters productivity, creativity, and professional growth. Epson’s Heat-Free Technology can help you achieve those goals without sacrificing productivity in the office.

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